Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trickle Down For Dummies

A common thread I see among the left, is that there are poor because somehow the 1% stole it form them. The rich, evil CEO’s of the world are hording money that would otherwise be in the hands of the poor.
It is mind bottling to me when I hear people say this. Especially because real evidence and facts are just a click away.
These people for some reason think that money and wealth is a finite number. The truth is, wealth can be created. I will use an example I have heard Bill Whittle use because the example is about as simple as it gets.
Imagine two tribes on either side of a river bank. Tribe one has a very unique skill set. They, through technological expansion, have determined the best way to make spears. Their spears throw farther and more accurate than any other spear made at the time. They also have baskets that they use to carry goods. However, they are not very proficient at making them. The baskets constantly fall apart and do not hold anything very well.
Now tribe number two has a different skill set. They weave baskets so tightly that they can hold water. However they catch very little meat because they are unable to make decent spears. One day tribe members from each tribe meet at the river bank. Upon noticing the value proposition. They decide to trade some spears for some baskets. After this transaction occurs, who is better off?
The answer is that they both are.
Through the wonders of free market capitalism, wealth has been created. Each tribe lost the labors and materials they used to create their goods but they both exchanged them for items they valued higher than the labor and supplies wasted.
Here is where the real magic happens. Once both parties realize the trade as a “good deal”. Tribe one may halt production of their inferior baskets and focus on making spears. Tribe two will do the same with baskets and they will continue trading as needed. Each trade leaves both tribes better off than they were before because the trade happened voluntarily.
Trickle Down isn't real? Where did that cell phone come from?
In a nutshell that explains how wealth is created. The example also debunks the myth that the rich stole the money form the rest of us… or does it?
There is only one scenario where the “powerful stole my money” excuse could actually be true.
What if the first tribe decided that they did not want to make more spears but they needed more baskets. They all got together and threatened tribe two to produce more baskets for them. Which party is better off?
Tribe one is much better off because they did not have to increase supply or labor output and they received baskets. Tribe two is left with the tasks of making up lost labor. Similar to a thief robbing a bank. Rather than working and producing to earn money, the thief will steal the labor and goods of the collective.
Now associate this with today’s society.....

Damn Straight Politics

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Strongest Argument For Free Enterprise

Upon examining the breadth of political views one person can really come to the conclusion that we all really want the same things. Ultimately people want to be able to decide how to live their lives on their own. The political field has been divided over the years not on actual beliefs but of individuals opinions on issues that truly do not matter. I have long been a believer that if you remove opinion form politics there stands one group of people libertarians. It is true, I once saw a shirt that sums up the libertarian party rather nicely it stated ‘Libertarians, diligently plotting to take over the world and leave you alone.’
Now I fall into a more complex party than just libertarian or conservative. I call myself a libertarian conservative. I truly believe that the federal government has no place AT ALL in individual matters. I believe the federal governments sole existence is protection of the entire United States. THAT’S IT!!!
Think of it this way, if Obama is drilling down to local government levels of how to operate what is the need for the local government? I mean he shipped in protesters to my home state to try and oust Scott Walker. Why does the federal government care what we do in WI? The answer is simple Power and control. People unilaterally want more. I wrote an article a while back talking about greed i implore you to read it.
I am not a full libertarian because I see a use for government at the state and local level. The state level protects the entirety of the state and the local government is really the most important vote you should ever make.
The Duh Factor
What I have discovered is that most political opinion comes from greed and jealousy. Ironically the greediest and the most jealous are usually the ones demanding the government make profits illegal because of greed. In reality they are so blinded by their hate of corporations who earn money freely that they would rather have another corporation who steals money to come in and take over.
Liberals do not think rationally, they think emotionally. Just look at Obamacare. There were very rational people explaining what would happen with Obamacare, liberals did not want to listen to reason because they wanted everyone to have healthcare. Now look at whats happening. Millions are losing healthcare. We stand to have more people without healthcare as a result of Obamacare than we did before Obamacare.......

Damn Straight Politics

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why You Should Be A Libertarian Conservative

In my short years on this earth I have gone through many changes. 
Where I stand politically has evolved continually. I have explored all of my personal beliefs as well as trying out the things I was skeptical of. I was in high school during the reign of GW Bush. I was a stringent supporter of him and the Republican Party. By supporter I mean I loved Bush as a president and did not know crap about the policy during his time. I just liked him because I associated Republicans with patriotism and I wanted to be a patriot.
As I progressed into my college years I started really caring about issues being debated at a national level. I started weaning away from my strictly republican beliefs and was moving more towards center. To this day on the political alignment tests you will find me very socially liberal in my beliefs but when it comes to letting government take over on what I believe I am extremely conservative.

He's Not Wrong
He’s Not Wrong
What I mean by this is that I want to end hunger, I want everyone to have reasonable access to doctors for health care and advice, I want everyone to have a good shelter and access to food. I just think that individuals can have a much larger effect on these problems than a central wasteful government can.
What I have learned in my time is that we truly do not need a government with the exception of a group who will protect our natural rights and freedoms. I would say I am a Libertarian except that I believe protection of those rights and freedoms is the only essential role of the federal government.
My friends say all the time, “well then who will build roads?” ”How can you guarantee workplace safety?” “Who will clean the water/air?” To be honest up until as early as last year I would have agreed that we need a central form of national government to do these things.........

Damn Straight Politics