Friday, March 30, 2012

Whats The Difference Between Occupy and the Tea Party?

Since Occupy started, I have been fascinated by their inability to see their own irony. Put aside the hippie protesting big corporations while listening to his Ipod, tweeting on his Ipad, drinking Starbucks coffee, and using free WIFI on a giant internet network. Put that all aside, what is their message? They are upset that some people are wealthy and some are not. Or more importantly, some people can make money a whole lot easier than others. The issue with Occupy is that they cannot see past the surface. There initial instinct is to go where the money ended up. Not where the money originated from.

Whats the difference between Occupy and the Tea Party? Nothing!
Shocked? Well let me defend my outrageous statement. Obviously there are differences on the surface. One group showers, follows local laws, demonstrates peacefully, cleans up there messes, buys permits, etc. The other (Occupy) ...well....does the exact opposite. Not all of them, but a lot of them.
As I said these are surface differences. So lets put them aside, what is the main difference between Occupy and the Tea Party? Location and Understanding. That is it,
The Tea Party group protests the governments overstepping powers as a whole. They don't protest dems and libs only. They protest any official who supports anti-constitutional spending of tax money. They are against bailouts, corporate loopholes, big business that is profitable getting subsidies. Basically they are against EVERYTHING occupy is against. The only difference as I said is that they know who is responsible. They are protesting where the money originates. Its like yelling at a kid for having too many suckers but not saying a word to the neighbor who is giving them away non stop.
There is nothing more ironic than an Occupy protester who loves Obama. Receiving more wall street money than any preceding pres.
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Occupy needs to protest on main street not wall street.
You cannot blame a company for taking free money. If you can, than don't yell at me if I get mad at a welfare recipient who takes free money as well.

Who is giving the free money? That is where you protest. Tea Party knows this because they understand how our economy and government works. Occupy needs to first clean up there act and then join forces with the Tea Party for a more responsible government.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not Lazy, Just Motivated to Do...... Nothing

I used to be the guy upset at the "Lazy libs who want my tax money to do nothing" As I get older, and learn more about human nature. I have learned that while some may actually be VERY lazy, the majority probably are not.

I have learned that the thing that compels people the most, are Self-Preservation and Specific Motivation.
When I think of the word Self-Preservation, I used to immediately think of life or death situations. However, human nature applies to the entirety of your life, not just specific moments of exhilaration or fear. The decisions you make, what you do day in and day out, are all micro decisions you make for yourself. I like to think self preservation and selfishness come hand in hand. However, I don't necessarily look a those two things negatively any more. The definition says, 'Adjective:(of a person, action, or motive) Lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.'

You view this as negative, and I used to. Now, I see it differently. You could say someone who donates time or money to charity is selfish because they only do it to make themselves feel better.
Courtesy of
Lets get this guy working.

You could also state that someone who is motivated by money is selfish for using it as motivation to climb the corporate ladder, or open his or her own business to make it. The difference is in those scenarios of motivation and selfishness, is that the byproduct is a good thing for others. Hard working employee, or employer who hires many people. Which is sometimes called selflessness. At the end of the day people do good and bad things by specific personal motivations and some form of selfishness.

As I mentioned above, I don't really believe that these people are lazy, I just see them being specifically motivated to not work. In our current climate, most individuals on welfare make more money for doing nothing, than they could make at a job doing something. They are not lazy or dumb, they are smart. They make a lot more money doing nothing than they would doing something.  When i think about it I am dumb for working. (which is bad thinking for a good economy)

Here is the big issue with this. When people are paid, and no tangible goods or services are produced. It reduces the value of the dollar in the market (Especially when 40 cents of that dollar paid, is borrowed). It is better for the economy when more people are producing goods and services for monies paid.

So the big question is, what could the Government do differently to specifically motivate people to WANT to work? The simple answer to me is, pay them to work. I think we need to keep some form of welfare to help those who cannot work. I also think those who choose not to work should be paid a lot less. Then if they get a decent job, we don't cut them off, we have a match program.

I will use hypothetical numbers to illustrate my point. Lets say Bob gets $600 every two weeks on welfare to do nothing ($1200 a month). He could get a job as a janitor or a fast food worker or whatever. But maybe it is only 12/hr and 30 hrs a week ($1400 a month). He looks at this and says, "If i work 120 more hours a month, I will get an extra $200. NOT WORTH IT!" Its $1.66 an hour extra. He is not lazy, he is smart. If you have a good job. Would you take on a 100% workload increase for an extra dollar an hour? HELL NO!

There would be no proper incentive to do this.  So i propose, instead of cutting Bob off when he does get a job, we pay him to work. How about match 50% of his bi weekly paycheck up to a certain dollar amount.

So if Bob works and makes 12/hr at 30hrs per week he will make roughly $16,800 per year.
Thorough out the year the government is supplying a match program (50%) with a cap of $10,000 per year
Bob would revive an additional $8,400 for WORKING.

So Bob made $25,200 that year or roughly $17/HR, that is real money. Enough financial motivation for Bob to WANT to work. When Bob wants to work, he will be a better employee, and potentially seek promotions to make even more. (Selfish...But Good.)

Now you are asking, "How does this help everyone else?" Well right off of the bat, Bob is now producing goods and/or services instead of nothing. For every dollar he receives, more is being produced now, than before. Secondly lets analyze what the government actually paid Bob.

Before, when Bob was doing nothing he stood to make roughly $14,400 per year. Of straight tax payer money.

Now Bob makes $25,200 however only $8,400 comes out of the pockets of the taxpayers.

This helps Bob make more money, helps the economy by adding another worker, and reduces the burden of entitlement programs on the taxpayer by $6,000. We saved the tax payer $6,000 AND got a guy working.
That is real change (Pun Intended).

I am well aware the United States government is more complex than my hypothetical, but not by that much. We would have to put match limits in so we could eventually ween Bob off of the plan. The idea would be to teach Bob to fish instead of just feeding him from the trough.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Don't Believe Everything You Read (My Tenure As Shepard Smith)

I have been putting off posting my shenanigans for a while. With the passing of Andrew Breitbart I figured I would post this. I am sure he would have approved. Mainly because from day one it messed with Olberdrool and David Corn. I always said the liberals hated AB because his last name broke the I before E rule.

I can not take credit for this idea first off. A. Thousands of people do it everyday. B. It was my buddy Mike who started a fake Chris Matthews twitter account. His account went from 0 to about 8000 in a matter of hours before he was shut down. At the same time I started @ShepardSmithFOX. My account did not catch on as fast.

I did have one moment where David Corn called me out, however since I was not big yet no one noticed.

This post will be mostly screen shots throughout the year as my popularity grew.

It Starts 27-July-2010

It was about 7 months later before I decided to start documenting (in case something fun happened)

Almost 2000 Followers 28-Feb-2011

4000 Followers 7-June-2011
At this point I have been live for a year. All I have really done this whole time is re-tweet actual fox news stories. I didn't want to inject my own personal beliefs...just yet.

Then I started to get noticed, a couple of times I felt bad about the deception, plus the burden of trying to be Shep.

FDNY News feed Shout Out 9-June-2011
 First the FDNY official shout out, then comes Tim Brando

Brando did not stop there...
Tim Shout out puts me over 4500 pretty quick
At this point I ditch the  robo tweeting of fox news adds and go all in. I decide to start injecting a little bit of me into the posts.

Soon I was catching on to other Fox News correspondents, here is one from Mike Emanuel...
Up until now, I have playing it cool. Trying to be the grey man on twitter. I decided to start making waves.

A little self promotion never hurt 12-Aug-2011

Notice my follower base is exponentially increasing. Apparently a high follower count negates the need for a verified mark.

If only I could get someone like Bret Baier to help validate me...

Taking the Lead on WI recall Election 16-Aug-2011

I decided to push it. ( I was really into the recall)


Since I was already faking my existence, I figured I would fake verify myself. (This is before Twitter caught on to fake check marks.)

Verified ? 23-Aug-2011
If you notice, this is also around the time of the DC earthquake. I was one of the first "reporters" to break the story. It helped me get top tweet...

23-Aug-2011 100+ Baby

At this point  I started to go all out. I decided to get a Klout account and link it with my real Facebook account. I started to open up. Anyone who took the time could easily see that I was not the real shep...

25-Aug-2011 Pundit Status Obtained

This is the time Shep was covering Hurricane Irene, Tim B made sure to send his well wishes..


 Tim Brando will not lay off of me...

Going up in Klout number and changed from Pundit to Thought Leader.


Here is where the work started paying off...

$10 Subway Gift Card Baby 2-Oct-2011
This is when it started getting really good.
and then the end..... or was it.

End of the Road (see the top bar) 8-Sep-2011

At this point  i figured I was done, I had 7000+ followers with only 700+ tweets. I figured not a bad run. Still i had to try and continue.

I  went into my profile and changed all of my info to meet twitter guidelines, then I appealed to twitter. 

Booyaaa, twitter allows me to be Fake Shep...

Even though i had the brief suspension, and my account clearly states I am not the Real Shep Smith. The people do not notice. 

So much so I get the Top Comment on a trending comment.

Even made it on another blog dedicated to 9/11 tweets. Not a big one, but still...

Even though some are catching on (see lower comment) the people who should be checking, are not...


It got even better, I tweeted about the LightSquared issue...
LightSquared jumped all over it...
I decided to do the responsible thing and let them tell their side...

Still listed as fake, yet Laura Ingle still tweets about me.

Unfortunately my last interaction of importance was with Roland Martin. Right as I got suspended permanently. Here is the last response. 


While it was fun being Shep and twitter famous for a while, it is shocking to see just how many people were oblivious to me. Especially after I made it obvious. 

Obama Should Play Sim City Before "Helping" Us

I had a revelation the other night about the economy, and the stupid decisions politicians are making to "help" it. Basically the problem is, all of our current politicians that are ruining the economy are too old to have played Sim City.

For those who don't know....
The objective of Sim City, as the name of the game suggests, is to build and design a city, without specific goals to achieve. The player can mark land as being zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential, add buildings, change the tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and take many other actions, in order to enhance the city.
Also, the player may face disasters including flooding, tornadoes, fires(often from air disasters or shipwrecks) and even earthquakes.
Your Doing It Wrong

Anyone that is now between the ages of 20 and 30 could have this economy up and running in no time. The problem is that Obama has never played Sim City. If he did, he would know that a Stimulus is nothing more than a loan you take out that needs to be paid back, and you have to pay back more than you took out (Not to mention he is putting that money into things that yield no payback). Instead he is making amateur first time player mistakes.
First major mistake is the idea that rapid expansion is a good thing. Anyone who has worn the hat of Mayor Draco, knows that if you build to fast, you deplete your reserves without allotting time for the sim's to catch up with the expansion. Normally this would not be a big deal, except that amateurs usually pay for this rapid expansion with a loan (Stimulus), rather than saved monies. There is no one in your city to pay off the loan, and your city slowly declines. The final nail in the coffin, and yet another amateur mistake, is the notion that raising the taxes will save the decline.

As the mayor, you can log in and get a budget forecast based on the existing residents/ businesses of your city.  It is very tempting to jack up the tax percentages, because it is fun to watch the budget number go from deep red to barely black. The only problem that the amateur does not know, is that the proposed budget forecast will only work if nothing changes in the city by the end of the fiscal year, or if the population in your city increases. Unfortunately, just like in real life, the tax hikes cause people to leave your city. First you begin to see your industrial factories turn to run down buildings, then your commercial hi-rises lose property value, and become rundown as well. Then slowly but surely, the residential zones vacate the city. Leaving behind a massive debt and no one left to pay it.
There is one gamble that the novice player knows that will work more often than not. In the instance that you get in over your head, you can bite the bullet, and entice rapid growth by lowering taxes, and cutting costly social services. In the game, when you click the button to reduce the tax percentage, it plays a sound byte where the people cheer. This helps bring in big commercial business which raises up the residential areas and in turn raises up the light commercial zones. Why doesn't the amateur make this move you ask? It is because when lowering tax percentage, it shows your total budget go further into the red. This scares people, and they don't understand how on Gods green earth lowering the income would help when you are in debt. However, this move (as before) does not account for the potential growth overall. Since your city's taxes are so low, business, industrial, and eventually residential zones explode (not literally). You have created a tax friendly environment. Then eventually the volume of people, with the current tax percentage outweighs the debt.
Why this game is so genius is that it accounts for market confidence. There are many liberals and dems who try and control the market when it is an animal that cannot be contained (Short term). However, you can create an environment that the animal prefers to live in (Long Term). Low, fair taxes.
Market confidence is directly linked to how people spend, and how small businesses hire. If you threaten to raise taxes, The people will hold onto their money. When money is not circulating, it is not being taxed or buying goods. (i.e. Bad for the economy). The true deception is how the raised taxes look on paper to Obama NOW, he is pushing for that barley black to look good and get re-elected. Unfortunately, it will be taxing small businesses, out of business. This will only cause a steeper decline. And since he is an amateur he wont even know what happens before the Sim Times reads MAYOR RUN OUT OF TOWN!!!!

It is incumbent on every
generation to pay its own debts as it goes.
A principle which if acted on would save
one-half the wars of the world.
Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for
Americans if they can prevent the government
from wasting the labors of the people under the
pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson