The funny thing with all of our countries problems, is that they can
all be easily solved relatively quickly. We are just addicted to the
A true conservatives knows how to do this. Conservatives know how to do this because EVERYTHING we are seeing now has happened before. I love when a liberal gins up some form of the saying, ‘learn form history or be doomed to repeat it’ and then runs screaming for the government to collect our guns, tax our rich, and give it all to the poor to make everything equal and better.
Guess what you self righteous ball of perpetual irony, all of the liberal ideas have been tried before and have failed before. The Roman government is the best example of this. Like America, during that era, Rome was the shining city of prosperity. The problem with them (and US) is that you cannot get around the law of economics.

The Romans much like our government wants things. Hell, we all want things. I want a Dodge Viper, a solid gold toilet, and a nice set of golf clubs. I do not have these things because I have not created enough wealth to allow myself to get those things… yet. The government wants tools, land, roads, bridges, weapons, soldiers, food and shelter for welfare programs. Since nothing of value is free, the government has to pay for it.
So lets get into what most liberals do not know. Where the government get’s the money it needs to pay for all the stuff it wants?
Read More @ DS&P Magazine
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