Monday, October 15, 2012

Evil, Greedy, and Heartless CEO's

I have decided to get upset about this now. I have always thought the topic Malarkey. For some reason, the traction is gaining on the topic, so I figured I would vent about it. What I am upset about, is the notion that the "CEO's" or other private businessmen and women are responsible for why our country is failing, and we need to reclaim what they have taken from us.

It was hard for me to even write that last sentence because of how utterly absurd it was. All I am hearing from my Lib friends is how evil and greedy these private business people are. All they do is take and take and the rest of us are screwed, they say. So it is time for me to post the one question that without fail unravels anything a lib ever has to say, ever.....Why? and How?
Why is it their fault? Why is it their responsibility now? Why are you so affected by someone who.....doesn't affect you?  How do you know they are greedy? How do you know they do not contribute? How do you know what they do with their money?
You should see heads spin when I ask that series of questions after I the evil greedy statement.

What is hitting me hard is not the fact that people actually believe this stuff, it is the realization of how judgmental people can be. How easily people can be led astray with very limited information if not outright lies. I have long said, "Opinions are high where facts are scarce." This could not be more true about the way Obama and Co. has twisted the countries view on our job creators. YES THEY ARE!!!!! JOB CREATORS. They take risks, build companies, and organizations that employ hundreds to thousands of people.

What really brought this to light was a recent conversation I have had with a friend. We were discussing Steve Wynn. For those who live in a cave. Steve is the CEO of Wynn Resorts. He said on Monday that he was sitting on his thumbs with over a billion dollars tied up because he was unsure what government program the Obama administration would unveil next, and stressed that he was “afraid of the president.”
Steve is very wealthy net worth is around 2.5 billion. He would fall under that evil greedy category, however, one thing we learned during his interview is the type of person Steve is. Here are some snippets from the sit down.
"I've created about 250,000 direct and indirect jobs, according to the State of Nevada's measurement. If the number is 250,000, that's exactly 250,000 more than this president [has created.]... I'll be damned if I want to have [President Obama] lecture me about small business and jobs. I'm a job creator. Guys like me [and Mitt Romney] are job creators, and we don't like having a bulls-eye painted on our back[s].
"The president has tried to put himself between me and my employees [through] class warfare, by deprecating and calling [us, the] group that makes money, "Billionaires and millionaires who don't pay their share." I gave 120% of my salary and bonus away last year to charities, as I do most years.
"I can't stand the idea of being demagogued; that is, put down, by a president who's never created any jobs and who doesn't even understand how the economy works."I'm afraid of [another term for] President Obama. I have no idea what goofy idea, what crazy anti-business program [his] administration will come up with. I have no idea. And, I have to tell you John, that every business guy around the country is frightened of [President] Barack Obama and the way he thinks."
You would be hard pressed to believe this guy voted for Barack Obama in 08 and is a registered Democrat, but he did and is.
So when I pressed my friend about Steve, his response blew me away, and made me realize the real issue exploited by the left.
My friend said to me, "Well if all CEO's were like Steve, we would be a lot better off."
Re-read that response.....
So what I asked him next is what made him really think. How do you know other CEO's are not like this?

Where facts are scarce, opinions are high! Obama has been trashing the "faceless" CEO. He has been attacking someone who theoretically does not exist! When you attack an enemy that doesn't exist they cannot defend themselves.
All of the sudden, and rightfully so, these "evil" CEO's are starting to speak out. They have reached a point where they fear our president more than the potential backlash form the public.


I have had the wonderful opportunity in my position to meet many very wealthy CEO's. I have yet to meet the one they like to show in the movies. The guy who would throw anyone under the bus to make a buck. In most cases, I am told stories about giving up paychecks so they could make payroll for the rest of the employees. Not taking a vacation for 5 years! Not being able to turn it off at night. Stress induced medical conditions. Don't get me wrong, I don't think we need to "give" them anything. However, when you hear what it takes to become successful and wealthy. I also do not believe we should be discouraging them from continuing by taking more away.

I do typically ask these people why. I ask why they push themselves so hard. The answer is very rarely just for money. Most want to revolutionize an industry. Make life easier for people. REDUCE THE COST OF HEALTHCARE!!! They also want to get to a point financially where they can checkout, and live off of the fruits of THEIR labor.

Maybe it is me just being a conservative, but the last thing I thought before or after meeting these people was. You owe ME. I know you had 5 to 10 years of sleepless worrying and stress but now you owe me. Someone who never worked for you, or bought any product you made. What it made me realize is that very few people would think that either. So WHY do they?

My conclusion is that they have never met the people they are trained to hate. I hope more CEO's come out, tell their stories, and we can bury this failure of a president.

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