Friday, June 29, 2012

Obama Health Tax! Seriously!?!?!?!?!?

With the passing of ObamaCrap comes the expected wave of sore winners that is the left. I even had a comment asking if us conservatives in WI will beat our wives because we lost like Packers fans do.
Sore winners does not adequately cover it.
However, as a strong conservative, and believer in the Constitutional Republic we live in, I turn towards November with eagerness. I will not complain, demand a recall (he he he), or make excuses. I will vote!  I will ensure the fire in me burns bigger and bigger every day until I get to the booth, SHOW MY ID :-), and get my ballot.

ObamaCare administered its first drug yesterday, a shot of adrenalin to the Conservative base.

My more liberal friends are of course disgusted with my need to protect the evil corporations, and crap on the sick, and uninsurable. This in depth analysis of the type of person I am is of course utterly false. Anyone who really knows me, knows I am more Ron Paul-Esq when it comes to my hate of corporatism, and my belief that we have been far from a free-market for quite some time.  But I digress.

Why do I want ObamaCare gone? My simple answer is because of the wild success that Medicare and Medicaid are. I am not a big fan of tax increases at all, let alone the ones that cause the system to degrade at an exponential rate. Liberal feel good theory does not ever work in practice. You cannot overload the healthcare system with people and lower the payout for services without degrading the quality of service. NO BUSINESS CAN DO THAT.

So lets look at the companies who CAN sell health successfully. The evil insurance companies, how do they do it? They build a model based on a lot of thought and research that allows them to cover as many people as possible, offer coverage to as many doctors as possible, with the best customer service possible, all while breaking even or turning a profit to stay in business. Even if you are a great business sometimes bad things can happen. People can slip through the cracks.

It also means that there has to be a rule regarding the use of its services. In order to offer a service that can payout to you, more than you put in, the company has to gamble...well with your life. If an insurance company allowed people with pre-existing conditions to join coverage willy nilly, no one would sign up until they had a medical problem. No money would be made and the company would go out of business.

For every sob story there are a thousand life saving stories. Does it suck that people get denied coverage? Absolutely! However should everyone be forced to suffer because there are denials of a few? Absolutely NOT!

This small percentage is where the real human charity comes into play. If my neighbor had a medical condition and could not get insurance, you bet your ass I would give him or her money to help. However if someone in California is in the same situation. I do not feel this is my concern. I am not heartless, I just feel it is that persons neighbors job to help him or her. Hell, they could ask their bleeding heart liberal Hollywood stars to cover it.

At the end of the day, Insurance companies employ thousands, and payout millions to save lives. They are a business that works. Is it perfect? No and it never will be. Will it improve?
YES! but only if we allow the free market to dictate the improvements.   

I refuse to celebrate the worlds largest tax increase this close to the celebration of our independence.  ~ME

P.S. Keep in mind this is one of the small reasons why Obamacare has already failed. Don't even ask me about trial Lawyers and Tort reform......Bastards.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Right, or Commodity?

Bill Whittle does it again, takes the bleeding heart out of it and says it how it is.
He has a way of explaining things better than how i think of them.?.? Get all of that? Just watch the video.

It is not about healthcare, it is about money.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What is this recall all about? Seriously, i need to know!

Since humans have extremely short memories, and their party alliances mostly out weigh common sense. I would like everyone to remember something for me. Remember, when going to the polls on Tuesday, the people who have chastised Walker for having private money come from out of state to fund his campaign. The people that claim he is bought and paid for and controlled by "special interest". Supported a Giant company that was run out of state, that took workers wages without allowing choice. Forced local governments to buy benefit package plans that they themselves sold at a increased well above actual market value price (Monopoly). That were willing to let programs like the arts and music get canceled, and teachers to get fired so they could keep their money and their way.

This recall was started because of, and should still be about Act 10. The reason it is not about ACT 10 anymore is because of the WILD SUCCESS ACT 10 has become.

I wont talk about that now though, I will talk about what THEY want it to be about now. Jobs.
Ever since almost everything Scott Walker touches has turned into Gold, the dems had to find something. They chose our jobs numbers. They claimed that within Walkers first year WI lost 30k jobs. Sure that sounds bad, especially because Walker ran with the slogan, 'WI is open for business.'

It was good ammunition for the other side. They have been building up the entire campaign around our jobs decline. Even though he was being recalled for ACT 10. The decline hype was bouncing around for a while until the the official report was released. The official U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report revised our 30k loss to a 23k jobs gain in WI.

That awkward moment when your whole campaign blows up in your face

Of course dems cannot ever admit to facts or being wrong about ANYTHING.
Barrett has even accused Walker of "cooking the books" and trying to spin the numbers to his advantage.
WTF?!?!?!? How can Walker cook the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report.Georgia Maxwell, the department's executive assistant, has even said,"You have my personal assurance that is not a made-up number."

I have even heard people try and say it was illegal for him to release the report 3 weeks early.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so lets play a game. Lets pretend somehow Walker faked the jobs numbers. The state really lost that many jobs. Why is this a reason to recall Walker? Also, and more importantly, how has his policy changes directly impacted business to make them leave??? How can we tie the things Scott Walker did to those "job losses"?

The only thing that he did that affected anyone outside of the government, is lower taxes.

This is not a challenge, but a plea to whoever reads this before Tuesday. Explain why the jobs numbers are "cooked", why it was "illegal" for him to tell us about them, and most importantly, how Walkers policy changes in the first year of Governor caused this "jobs decline".