Friday, May 17, 2013

1913, Worst. Year. Ever.

When republicans fought against slavery and ratified the 13th amendment. People thought Government regulated slavery was abolished. That we have taken that step towards freedom. We were wrong.
Would you consider someone taking the fruits of your labor against your will slavery? No? How about if you refuse to give up the fruits of your labor, and as a result you get punished. Then would it be slavery?
How about this? The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
Does this sound like something a free republic would have in its constitution?
While most liberals call for more and higher taxes, even against all known facts and data proving that it hurts the economy. Republicans are calling for reduction in taxes.
They are all wrong. We need to abolish the 16th amendment. Republicans have abolished slavery amendments before, we can do it again.
No one can argue that taking money from someone by force is, ok. If i rob you at gun point is it ok? What if i am using it to save a life? Is it ok then?
Income Tax Is Theaft
I am sick of the greater good argument. We are conservatives, we give more charitably because we truly do believe in the greater good. I just like knowing where my money is going, and exactly how it is being used. I value the dollars I give and expect the recipient party to not waste those dollars. I want every reasonable penny that can be used for good, being used for good.
For some reason brain dead liberals believe the Government is the only fair place that good-will transactions can occur. Never mind the CONSTANT proof of waste and spending irresponsibility.
They are EXPERTS at turning a blind eye to facts just so they are not proven wrong.
I think it is unjust to tax someones labor directly, I have long been a fan of no income tax and a reasonable sales tax. That means that yes it might need to increase, depends on what the TRUE needs of the government are.
Abolishing the 16th would do more to rein in out of control government than any election could. Why?
We would enter an era of voluntary taxes.
Right now the economy is not doing so well, people are spending less, going out less, doing everything less. What this would do in a post 16th world, is drastically reduce the amount of money the government could take in. Thus forcing the government to grow and shrink complementary to the economy. They could raise sales taxes but that would more effectively reduce sales and those politicians wouldn't last. The market would determine a fair sales tax.
This would mean law passed by the government would actually affect the government  What a concept!
I call a sales tax voluntary because in hard times when you purchase less you are choosing to not participate in the tax. You build wealth back up again, and then start taxing yourself again. It ensures that only people who can afford to be taxed are. It would encourage the government to make pro business legislation that encourages a market of spenders, instead of encouraging a market of vote pump takers.
It would encourage the government to deflate the currency so the citizens buying power would increase.
More importantly than all of these things, is that we would be truly free. Free to earn as much as we want without fear of repercussions from greedy liberal policy on income "equality" (Side- int it ironic that whenever a liberal uses fair or equal it usually means that what they are talking about is the farthest from actual fairness or equality?), or fear of targeted audits from a federal agency. The people once again would have all of the power over the socialist dictatorship we currently are oppressed by.
We the people need to push the narrative to our politicians. Don't lower taxes, abolish them. Abolish the 16th.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Whistle-Blowers Beware

Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Do you have some breaking news about corruption in congress? Do you know something damming to the administration about Benghazi, or Fast and Furious? Was the information so important the people had to know? They had to know, because it meant that their government is taking our liberties, our freedoms, our rights, and wiping their asses with them. Well if you had that intel, and you were sharing it with your most trusted contact.
You should be scared right now.
Depending on what info you had, ......

CONTINUE READING @ Damn Straight Politics

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gun Regulations, The Last Distraction

On May 10th PolitickerNJ released a story about three Democratic Senators caught on tape calling for confiscation of arms, and mocking gun owners overall. I started fuming about this because I am sick of the idiots in the Democratic party and the even bigger idiots who blindly follow them.

These people must live in some alternate reality. OR... this is what happens when you back a idiot hell bent on social control into a corner.
The Economy,Benghazi, Gosnell, Unemployment, Green Subsidies, Detroit, Unemployment, Unions, the IRS literally targeting patriotic groups, Fast and Furious....etc.
All of these things are epic failures directly tied to the ideals and ideas of left wing socialists. That's right, they are not democrats they are all socialists.  In fact, any person who is not directly opposed to a welfare program that is not a 1 for 1 match of the contributors funds (Meaning they take my money to shore it up) is a socialist.
All of these things are way beyond any scandal that has ever made history. The mainstream media HAS to be working overtime to put lids on all of these. Luckily their credibility is plummeting faster than Obama's approval rating.
Anyway.... back to guns. Confiscate, confiscate, confiscate. They just have to get the guns out of everyone hands. Otherwise we will become the wild west. Right? WRONG.
As usual Democrats are on the wrong side of an argument, on the wrong side of history, and on the wrong side of the facts. The irony is when they call us righties. We have been almost always right. About most things.
The most powerful argument that can be made to a Liberal Socialist is one word. Why?
You keep asking why until you get down to the Lie.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

People Crave Appreciation More Than They Do Bread

“People crave attention and appreciation more than they do bread.” ~Mother Theresa
I was thinking a lot about this quote last night. Being as politically motivated as I am I immediately started ruminating on how true the quote is, and how it explains peoples actions. After pondering this for several hours, I started noticing similarities with the statement and modern liberals. More specifically the Welfare, Disability, and all around hand out group.
Mother Teresa Of Calcutta
It hit me that this is not only an economic issue, it truly is a moral debate as well. Even as it hit me, I felt weird because conservatives are CONSTANTLY attacked on our ideals because of the supposed moral implications. What i am suggesting is that there is a moral implication and that i don’t believe either side has thought of what it truly might be.
“People crave attention and appreciation more than they do bread.” What does this mean? This is a quote from a woman, who dedicated her life to helping and living among the most disabled and poverty stricken people on the planet. I am not talking poverty by Obama’s standards. (TV’s, XBOX, one automobile) I am talking people who are dying in huts made of garbage because they haven’t eaten in days or months.
This magnificent woman spent her life in the third world.
