Thursday, March 1, 2012

Don't Believe Everything You Read (My Tenure As Shepard Smith)

I have been putting off posting my shenanigans for a while. With the passing of Andrew Breitbart I figured I would post this. I am sure he would have approved. Mainly because from day one it messed with Olberdrool and David Corn. I always said the liberals hated AB because his last name broke the I before E rule.

I can not take credit for this idea first off. A. Thousands of people do it everyday. B. It was my buddy Mike who started a fake Chris Matthews twitter account. His account went from 0 to about 8000 in a matter of hours before he was shut down. At the same time I started @ShepardSmithFOX. My account did not catch on as fast.

I did have one moment where David Corn called me out, however since I was not big yet no one noticed.

This post will be mostly screen shots throughout the year as my popularity grew.

It Starts 27-July-2010

It was about 7 months later before I decided to start documenting (in case something fun happened)

Almost 2000 Followers 28-Feb-2011

4000 Followers 7-June-2011
At this point I have been live for a year. All I have really done this whole time is re-tweet actual fox news stories. I didn't want to inject my own personal beliefs...just yet.

Then I started to get noticed, a couple of times I felt bad about the deception, plus the burden of trying to be Shep.

FDNY News feed Shout Out 9-June-2011
 First the FDNY official shout out, then comes Tim Brando

Brando did not stop there...
Tim Shout out puts me over 4500 pretty quick
At this point I ditch the  robo tweeting of fox news adds and go all in. I decide to start injecting a little bit of me into the posts.

Soon I was catching on to other Fox News correspondents, here is one from Mike Emanuel...
Up until now, I have playing it cool. Trying to be the grey man on twitter. I decided to start making waves.

A little self promotion never hurt 12-Aug-2011

Notice my follower base is exponentially increasing. Apparently a high follower count negates the need for a verified mark.

If only I could get someone like Bret Baier to help validate me...

Taking the Lead on WI recall Election 16-Aug-2011

I decided to push it. ( I was really into the recall)


Since I was already faking my existence, I figured I would fake verify myself. (This is before Twitter caught on to fake check marks.)

Verified ? 23-Aug-2011
If you notice, this is also around the time of the DC earthquake. I was one of the first "reporters" to break the story. It helped me get top tweet...

23-Aug-2011 100+ Baby

At this point  I started to go all out. I decided to get a Klout account and link it with my real Facebook account. I started to open up. Anyone who took the time could easily see that I was not the real shep...

25-Aug-2011 Pundit Status Obtained

This is the time Shep was covering Hurricane Irene, Tim B made sure to send his well wishes..


 Tim Brando will not lay off of me...

Going up in Klout number and changed from Pundit to Thought Leader.


Here is where the work started paying off...

$10 Subway Gift Card Baby 2-Oct-2011
This is when it started getting really good.
and then the end..... or was it.

End of the Road (see the top bar) 8-Sep-2011

At this point  i figured I was done, I had 7000+ followers with only 700+ tweets. I figured not a bad run. Still i had to try and continue.

I  went into my profile and changed all of my info to meet twitter guidelines, then I appealed to twitter. 

Booyaaa, twitter allows me to be Fake Shep...

Even though i had the brief suspension, and my account clearly states I am not the Real Shep Smith. The people do not notice. 

So much so I get the Top Comment on a trending comment.

Even made it on another blog dedicated to 9/11 tweets. Not a big one, but still...

Even though some are catching on (see lower comment) the people who should be checking, are not...


It got even better, I tweeted about the LightSquared issue...
LightSquared jumped all over it...
I decided to do the responsible thing and let them tell their side...

Still listed as fake, yet Laura Ingle still tweets about me.

Unfortunately my last interaction of importance was with Roland Martin. Right as I got suspended permanently. Here is the last response. 


While it was fun being Shep and twitter famous for a while, it is shocking to see just how many people were oblivious to me. Especially after I made it obvious. 

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