Thursday, October 25, 2012

With Enemies Like These, Who Needs Friends?

With the election only days away, it’s crucial to try and wipe out and ignore the blur of political commercials. I am from Wisconsin, which is a swing state. The only commercials I see during prime time TV are political.

Needless to say, I have to hear the BS from both sides. I call it all BS because, unfortunately, that is what the majority of Americans base their vote on. They appeal to people who watch and like the show “Honey Boo Boo.” (I am sooooo glad I can say that I have never seen that show.)
I spend almost every minute I have available outside of my job (and four kids) attempting to open the minds of those people. The ones who vote because of an advertisement on TV, whether it’s a vote for Romney or Obama, I challenge that they dig deeper. When you take a closer look at these politicians, it’s not hard to see that there are many similarities. However, there are huge fundamental differences when it comes to vision. So I challenge all of you to look at both of these men. Research for yourself what they have both done with their lives. You will see two very different visions on what America should be.

All we hear from the left are issues that lack substance in the real world. Big Bird, binders, war on women, bayonets. What do we hear from the right? Economy, jobs and economy. Did I mention jobs?
I really don’t care what they say. I care more about what they do, have done, or, more importantly, have not done in their lives. I also could give a crap about Romney. I don’t worship him the way people worship Obama. I would even fathom to say no conservative worships any conservative leader that way. We worship the idea of a free America, and we wholeheartedly back the candidate who can best move us in that direction.

Obama followers are so far up his ass that he could set an orphan on fire and they would get eccentric over his “Heat for the Homeless” initiative. Romney could shake the hand of a homeless person and the media would report that they cannot believe he is touching a homeless person.
I will be the first one to critique Romney when he is president, even more so than Obama. If I vote for someone, it’s for a purpose, not because of popularity. If Romney does not live up to the expectations I have, or cuts short of the promises that he has made, I will be pissed. Obama has been getting killed, in debates and public appearances, because his toughest questions from the last four years have been from “The View.” Will Romney be the best president ever? I don’t know. I’m not as good at telling the future as Chris Matthews is. We do know that he HAS been very successful and HAS met promises he has made in the past. He HAS balanced budgets, and saved jobs. So logically we know he probably can do it again.

However, in my lifetime at least, Obama has been the worst. It’s why he fell apart in the first debate. He couldn’t successfully debate his record with a four-year-old. Yet his cult covers his ass. The very people he has betrayed have come to his rescue. It’s like watching “Mean Girls.” They all love Regina even though she is a horrible person to them.  (I wonder what character  Matthews would be??)

What really, really makes me lose my marbles, are the people who hate Bush for the exact  same reason they love Obama. YOU ARE THE 47% ROMNEY IS TALKING ABOUT!! “He has doubled down on the Bush term as far as the deficit goes.” “He is Bush 2.0.” “No, 4.0.” All democrats can do is blame and point the same fingers they have been for the last eight years. Forget about the democratic majority for the end of Bush’s term, or the full control of the federal government for the first two years of the Obama term.

The 2010 Tea Party congressional sweep would have been a wake-up call for any normal person. But for a liberal it just means that we are all dumb, bitter clingers who hate Obama because he is black. They don’t get that we elected a congress to stop Obama not because of the color of his skin, but the content of his character. Who knows where we would be without them?
Mitt Romney has been a successful businessman for over 25 years. That sentence alone holds more water than anything Obama claims to have done or has done. He saved many jobs and businesses with private money (and I bet women worked at some of those businesses). He donated his entire inheritance to charity so he could pursue his own wealth. He has worked as a public servant for many years for zero pay! He is the shining example of an American: serving his country that has been so good to him in for nothing in return. So what does “The View” hit him on? “Well, he never served in the military.” So… Neither has Obama!!!

In contrast, Obama has taken and been handed everything. He has lost billions of public money in businesses. His friends were literally terrorists that loathe our country. Obama’s answer to fixing the economy is hiring 100,000 more teachers. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
He truly believes it will work because that is all he knows. In Obamaland, apparently the only types of employees are super wealthy people who do no work and steal money, teachers, road workers, the poor, and politicians.

If we let Romney run the government like he has run his businesses and the state of Massachusetts, we can get back on the right path. The tax plan and path to prosperity that they are pushing, was from a joint commission of both Republicans and Democrats, put forth by Obama. They came out with their report and Obama didn’t like it so he said, “Screw you guys. Let’s do another stimulus.”
There is a lot to be said about the statement: “Obama supporters are people who think I should be more upset about what Mitt Romney does with his own money, than what Obama has done with mine.”

I work. Romney believes I should keep more of what I earn from my labor. Obama thinks he has the right to take more of it away in order to be fair.

What do you think?

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