Tuesday, January 29, 2013

200% of GDP?!?! Are You Freaking Kidding Me!

I should not be surprised, yet I still am. A new report from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation has shown that by the year 2040, Federal Debt is projected to reach 200% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

In layman’s terms, GDP is basically every cent that has been circulated through the economy. Not just profits…ALL OF IT. That means on our current path, by 2040 you could take every penny from the economy and it would only cover half of the debt.

You might find that sacrificing you free birth control for a cheaper… EVERYTHING ELSE is a better investment.

When Obama raised taxes on the rich (you know when everyone had to pay more). People were very upset. It was headline news for days. People were out protesting. But when a report is released stating that in 27 years our debt owed will be double ALL of the money we have. Not a peep.
obama’s (yeah..it’s lower case) tax increases have done nothing. Every penny in additional earnings has pretty much been gobbled up by the sandy relief bill. As I stated in my post ‘Play Sim City Before Writing A Budget’ Increasing taxes not only hurts people now, it destroys the revenue pipeline in the future.
This disgrace of a president is being lauded for attacking the only people who still do pay taxes, and then celebrated for spending even more money than he is taxing for. The media has the gall to say his actions are improving the economy.
People then become shocked....

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Monday, January 28, 2013

A Sheriff We Can Be Proud Of

To me, a good government official is one who knows his or her role.
One that knows that their sole purpose, and job is to serve the taxpayer, and be a good steward of the taxpayers dollar. I had a great moment the other day. It was a moment that I have not had in a very long time. I felt very proud of a government representative from my hometown the Milwaukee county area.

His name is Davide Clarke Jr., he is the 64th Sheriff of Milwaukee County.

For those of you who do not know, one of the big changes Scott Walker and Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen brought to my great state was the access to concealed carry. As expected, gang activity started to reduce in some of the more shady areas of the city. ( I do not have a link to prove this claim, it is coming straight from one of my friends who is a cop on the north side of Milwaukee.) Shortly after CC was passed a gang member tried to hold up a man and his daughter as they were walking back from the store. It did not end well for the gang member because he ended up getting shot by the CC pedestrian or would be victim.
Ever since then, gang activity has been on a decline.
I digress.

David Clarke came out with one of the best, most blunt and straight forward, no bullshit PSA’s I have heard. Have a listen.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Inflation The Silent Tax

The funny thing with all of our countries problems, is that they can all be easily solved relatively quickly. We are just addicted to the cocaine.

A true conservatives knows how to do this. Conservatives know how to do this because EVERYTHING we are seeing now has happened before. I love when a liberal gins up some form of the saying, ‘learn form history or be doomed to repeat it’ and then runs screaming for the government to collect our guns, tax our rich, and give it all to the poor to make everything equal and better.

Guess what you self righteous ball of perpetual irony, all of the liberal ideas have been tried before and have failed before. The Roman government is the best example of this. Like America, during that era, Rome was the shining city of prosperity. The problem with them (and US) is that you cannot get around the law of economics.

As one of my favorite Books references. The law of economics is like a fact of life. It’s something that you have to live with because you cannot change it. Since nothing that has value is free. Someone must pay for it, weather it is with accepted currency, or labor and time.
The Romans much like our government wants things. Hell, we all want things. I want a Dodge Viper, a solid gold toilet, and a nice set of golf clubs. I do not have these things because I have not created enough wealth to allow myself to get those things… yet. The government wants tools, land, roads, bridges, weapons, soldiers, food and shelter for welfare programs. Since nothing of value is free, the government has to pay for it.

So lets get into what most liberals do not know. Where the government get’s the money it needs to pay for all the stuff it wants?

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Conservatives With Stockholm Syndrome

I have not written a post recently because I have just been in awe of the people of the United States, and the politicians they support. I have been busy watching videos of 2008 Obama, and 2013 Obama. I have been watching Liberals, who vilified ” the bush tax cuts” pass a bill that makes them permanent because they were “imperative to health of the economy and the middle class.”
I have been busy trying to wrap my head around our sad reality. Democrats will win because of the ignorance of their supporters. I have watched some close frienemies sell out to continue to support the D.

I have learned a very disturbing thing. Conservatives and Republicans are divided because we ACTUALLY believe in something. We are unwavering in our beliefs. We hold our candidates and elected officials accountable for the things they say and the things they do. ONLY A DEMOCRAT COULD SAY…
“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child.  That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic!”
To get elected in 2008, then go on to add $9 Trillion in half the time and be applauded for his heroic efforts to save the ECONOMY!

Continued @ DS&P.com