In layman’s terms, GDP is basically every cent that has been circulated through the economy. Not just profits…ALL OF IT. That means on our current path, by 2040 you could take every penny from the economy and it would only cover half of the debt.
You might find that sacrificing you free birth control for a cheaper… EVERYTHING ELSE is a better investment.
When Obama raised taxes on the rich (you know when everyone had to pay more). People were very upset. It was headline news for days. People were out protesting. But when a report is released stating that in 27 years our debt owed will be double ALL of the money we have. Not a peep.
obama’s (’s lower case) tax increases have done nothing. Every penny in additional earnings has pretty much been gobbled up by the sandy relief bill. As I stated in my post ‘Play Sim City Before Writing A Budget’ Increasing taxes not only hurts people now, it destroys the revenue pipeline in the future.
This disgrace of a president is being lauded for attacking the only people who still do pay taxes, and then celebrated for spending even more money than he is taxing for. The media has the gall to say his actions are improving the economy.
People then become shocked....
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