Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Liberalism Is Failing Just Like We Thought It Would

When Governor Walker took office, the Wisconsin state economy and Illinois state economy were pretty similar. Both had major deficits, both were having issues with unions, both were headed in the wrong direction very fast.

This led Wisconsinites to elect Governor Walker. During his campaign he promised fiscal responsibility form the state, and that’s exactly what we got. Walker pushed through ACT 10 almost immediately. Basically when school boards were budgeting every year there was a major percentage of the budget that they had no control over, most changes to a budget had to be voted by the Public Union, of course they never cared about deficit as long as they got their benefits and perks. ACT 10 gave the school boards (and essentially taxpayers) the ability to amend the entire budget not just a small percentage of it.

One of the major amendments was shopping around for health plans, instead of automatically reinstating the rate hiked union insurance plan. Teachers were also required to pay 12% towards their OWN health plan (terrible right?). This one change took a $3+billion dollar deficit to a $256 Million surplus in only half a year! The act saved teacher jobs, precious art and music programs, and other things slated to be cut to try and harness the budget shortfalls. The very things unions would be happy to cut to protect their own interests.

Illinois decided to go the liberal path, they caved to the unions. Illinois leadership decided to raise taxes by 67% on small business owners to try and cover their budget gap. So where is Illinois today?


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