Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Meanwhile In Britain

The most basic of all knowledge is that forcing people to do things will end up in failure eventually. People almost always resist when being told to do anything. So it is no surprise, to a conservative at least, when raising the tax rate does not mean we will have more income. I have explained this on many posts, however since repetition is the world’s best teacher, I will explain it again.

This country does have a tax problem. The problem is that there are too many taxes and they are way too high. There is also a spending problem in our country. The problem is not the military (Primary function of the federal government), it is not the infrastructure (Primary function of the federal government), it is the social programs (NOT a primary function of the federal government).

Contrary to popular belief, the republican majority does not want to do away with the programs entirely. As I have mentioned several times in other posts, getting rid of those programs prematurely would be very, VERY detrimental to the economy. The republicans and conservatives want to, and NEED to reform those policies. Charity can work and can be self-sustaining; we are surrounded by many private charities that do more effective work than the government could ever dream.

Never mind that most problems in the United States can be directly linked to the fiscal condition of the country. Most Democrats would have you believe that the rich are somehow responsible for the well being of the poor. If there are more poor people that must mean that the rich are not paying enough.

Paul Krugman (apparently he is an economist) thinks that we should tax the rich at 91% like we did in the 1950’s. He forgets two major things, entitlement programs and the fact that we did not have a world economy in the 50’s.

The other thing he is missing is the fact that people do not like being forced to do something undesirable.

Recently Britain introduced a 50% tax rate on its top earners. This is the staple of the Liberal platform. Take from the rich and give to the poor. They think they are Robin Hood, except that Robin Hood took form a tyrannical government and gave the money back to the people from which it stole.
So what happened? Did they make more money?

For the rest go to DS&P

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