Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trickle Down For Dummies

A common thread I see among the left, is that there are poor because somehow the 1% stole it form them. The rich, evil CEO’s of the world are hording money that would otherwise be in the hands of the poor.
It is mind bottling to me when I hear people say this. Especially because real evidence and facts are just a click away.
These people for some reason think that money and wealth is a finite number. The truth is, wealth can be created. I will use an example I have heard Bill Whittle use because the example is about as simple as it gets.
Imagine two tribes on either side of a river bank. Tribe one has a very unique skill set. They, through technological expansion, have determined the best way to make spears. Their spears throw farther and more accurate than any other spear made at the time. They also have baskets that they use to carry goods. However, they are not very proficient at making them. The baskets constantly fall apart and do not hold anything very well.
Now tribe number two has a different skill set. They weave baskets so tightly that they can hold water. However they catch very little meat because they are unable to make decent spears. One day tribe members from each tribe meet at the river bank. Upon noticing the value proposition. They decide to trade some spears for some baskets. After this transaction occurs, who is better off?
The answer is that they both are.
Through the wonders of free market capitalism, wealth has been created. Each tribe lost the labors and materials they used to create their goods but they both exchanged them for items they valued higher than the labor and supplies wasted.
Here is where the real magic happens. Once both parties realize the trade as a “good deal”. Tribe one may halt production of their inferior baskets and focus on making spears. Tribe two will do the same with baskets and they will continue trading as needed. Each trade leaves both tribes better off than they were before because the trade happened voluntarily.
Trickle Down isn't real? Where did that cell phone come from?
In a nutshell that explains how wealth is created. The example also debunks the myth that the rich stole the money form the rest of us… or does it?
There is only one scenario where the “powerful stole my money” excuse could actually be true.
What if the first tribe decided that they did not want to make more spears but they needed more baskets. They all got together and threatened tribe two to produce more baskets for them. Which party is better off?
Tribe one is much better off because they did not have to increase supply or labor output and they received baskets. Tribe two is left with the tasks of making up lost labor. Similar to a thief robbing a bank. Rather than working and producing to earn money, the thief will steal the labor and goods of the collective.
Now associate this with today’s society.....

Damn Straight Politics

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Strongest Argument For Free Enterprise

Upon examining the breadth of political views one person can really come to the conclusion that we all really want the same things. Ultimately people want to be able to decide how to live their lives on their own. The political field has been divided over the years not on actual beliefs but of individuals opinions on issues that truly do not matter. I have long been a believer that if you remove opinion form politics there stands one group of people libertarians. It is true, I once saw a shirt that sums up the libertarian party rather nicely it stated ‘Libertarians, diligently plotting to take over the world and leave you alone.’
Now I fall into a more complex party than just libertarian or conservative. I call myself a libertarian conservative. I truly believe that the federal government has no place AT ALL in individual matters. I believe the federal governments sole existence is protection of the entire United States. THAT’S IT!!!
Think of it this way, if Obama is drilling down to local government levels of how to operate what is the need for the local government? I mean he shipped in protesters to my home state to try and oust Scott Walker. Why does the federal government care what we do in WI? The answer is simple Power and control. People unilaterally want more. I wrote an article a while back talking about greed i implore you to read it.
I am not a full libertarian because I see a use for government at the state and local level. The state level protects the entirety of the state and the local government is really the most important vote you should ever make.
The Duh Factor
What I have discovered is that most political opinion comes from greed and jealousy. Ironically the greediest and the most jealous are usually the ones demanding the government make profits illegal because of greed. In reality they are so blinded by their hate of corporations who earn money freely that they would rather have another corporation who steals money to come in and take over.
Liberals do not think rationally, they think emotionally. Just look at Obamacare. There were very rational people explaining what would happen with Obamacare, liberals did not want to listen to reason because they wanted everyone to have healthcare. Now look at whats happening. Millions are losing healthcare. We stand to have more people without healthcare as a result of Obamacare than we did before Obamacare.......

Damn Straight Politics

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why You Should Be A Libertarian Conservative

In my short years on this earth I have gone through many changes. 
Where I stand politically has evolved continually. I have explored all of my personal beliefs as well as trying out the things I was skeptical of. I was in high school during the reign of GW Bush. I was a stringent supporter of him and the Republican Party. By supporter I mean I loved Bush as a president and did not know crap about the policy during his time. I just liked him because I associated Republicans with patriotism and I wanted to be a patriot.
As I progressed into my college years I started really caring about issues being debated at a national level. I started weaning away from my strictly republican beliefs and was moving more towards center. To this day on the political alignment tests you will find me very socially liberal in my beliefs but when it comes to letting government take over on what I believe I am extremely conservative.

He's Not Wrong
He’s Not Wrong
What I mean by this is that I want to end hunger, I want everyone to have reasonable access to doctors for health care and advice, I want everyone to have a good shelter and access to food. I just think that individuals can have a much larger effect on these problems than a central wasteful government can.
What I have learned in my time is that we truly do not need a government with the exception of a group who will protect our natural rights and freedoms. I would say I am a Libertarian except that I believe protection of those rights and freedoms is the only essential role of the federal government.
My friends say all the time, “well then who will build roads?” ”How can you guarantee workplace safety?” “Who will clean the water/air?” To be honest up until as early as last year I would have agreed that we need a central form of national government to do these things.........

Damn Straight Politics

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The War On Coal

In history there has been no individual that is as hell bent on self destruction as a Liberal Democrat. From, “take my money with higher taxes”, to “let us kill our babies”, I think calling extreme liberalism a mental disorder is not a far reach. In my observation of this species, I feel they fall somewhere between Narcissistic personality disorder and self desecration. Not to mention the complete delusion of a Utopian social society.
Ok, with that out of my system I can get to Obama’s newest attempt to help his support base move on and forget that their god has once again lied and betrayed them. CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhh everyone panic!
This has been the one issue that has dumbfounded me for the longest time. Especially because I believe the libs have a point. As usual, they fail to see the forest for the trees.
I too would like green renewable energy.
That’s right, I a conservative Republican whatever you want to call me wants clean energy. Although because I am not an idiot, I know how we can get there and not go to war with inanimate objects.
As usual liberals are trying to be all conservative by doing the “right” thing, but they are completely misguided as how to get there.

The liberal method to accomplish anything plays very well into the likes of their voter rolls. Very lazy and demotivated to work. It is why their efforts rarely take flight past, protesting, squatting in a specific location, or…… well that is pretty much it.
Their gods have told them that the globe is warming. The reason the globe is warming because of carbon emissions. As to be expected with any liberal idea, it was urgent that something happened now or the entire globe is doomed in a matter of years. So a matter of years have past and like every chicken little liberal cry, nothing has happened. The predictions never came to fruition. In fact the temperature of the globe plateaued even though carbon emissions continue to increase.
What is a narcissist to do in the face of fact that disproves what he or she believes most? Change the narrative of course.
“Even though the gods said temperature was the issue and that is not changing it just means that we are still right. Did I say global warming? no no no, I believe I said Climate Change.” (This is my hypothesis of what a liberals self conversation is like)
The term climate change was a genius marketing move by the liberals (I know, a broken clock is right twice a day). They have found the perfect word to continue the welfare program for green energy that no one in their right mind could deny.
Of course the climate changes. It is 90 outside right now and in a few months there will be snow on the ground. Millions of years ago there was three miles of ice where I am now. They have picked a label so broad that anything could be used to further its cause.
There’s a flood! Oh it must be climate change.
There are more tornadoes than last year! Well its because of climate change.
There are a lot less tornadoes than last year! Well we expected that because of climate change.
There are fewer tornadoes, but they seem more powerful! Well its obviously climate change.
Every one of those statements and responses are ……true!
Clearly their fight is not about our use of carbon based fuels as much is it being about them once again hating big business. They hate oil and coal companies, and finally one of them came out and admitted it.
Daniel P. Schrag, a White House climate adviser and director of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, tells the New York Times “a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.” Later today, President Obama will give a major “climate change” address at Georgetown University.
“Everybody is waiting for action,” Schrag tells the paper. “The one thing the president really needs to do now is to begin the process of shutting down the conventional coal plants. Politically, the White House is hesitant to say they’re having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.

The liberals will go to war with the sun, then we will fight in the shade.
The liberals will go to war with the sun, then we will fight in the shade.
I know you are a director at Harvard, but why are you such an idiot? I am waiting for the business plan from any liberal that states how to shift our current energy needs from coal to green with very little to no pain? Do they even have a plan?
They hate all energy except for solar and wind. Well they did love nat gas. That was until oil and coal companies found a great efficient method to harvest it, and they learned that we could sustain on that for at least the next 400 years. Then all of the sudden it was a threat to their narrative and subsidy money.
Someone should ask them were solar and wind companies get the power to make solar panels and wind turbines. Some one should ask them how the elements are mined to create those things as well.
They have a major hole in their brains where scientific reasoning should be. I have always said this. We will get to a point where we can harness the power of the sun to give us sufficient energy. Coal and oil will get us there.
The groups that are researching and improving these technologies need power to work efficiently. Will shutting down coal plants help or hurt their efforts?
I believe in green energy simply because I know burning coal puts carcinogens into the air and increases a persons risk of being sick. I am not mad at coal companies however. It is the power they provide that has also driven almost all of our advancement in computing and healthcare. Although carcinogens are bad for our health our average life span is increasing.
We as a driven race innovate and improve faster than our advancements hurt us.
So how do you help this change? Get this rapid transition from coal to green? WORK WITH THE POWER GIANTS!!!
If a company has created a scrubbing technology that helps reduce emissions from a coal fired plant, give that company a tax break equal to the cost of implementing that solution. Everyone wins, I have cleaner air, the scientist that invented the scrubbing method gets money to expand his or her business, and the coal company does not take on additional cost that would most certainly be passed on to the consumer of their electricity.
As always the liberal breed has “good” intentions and the worst implementation plan. They are using the five year old method. Throw a tantrum to get what I want. Rather than provide a rational plan to implement their ideas.

Damn Straight Politics

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Taste Of The Free Market

This morning gamers everywhere got a free lesson in the beauties of a free capitalist market. Microsoft’s Xbox One has officially reversed their DRM policy and Sony PlayStation is who we have to thank.
For those of you who are not as nerdy as I am, I will explain why this is important. As a gamer and entertainment junkie, I was highly anticipating the releases of this years gaming consoles. I always eagerly await for Microsoft and Sony to do their big show describing what is in store for me.
Only Nerds Will Get THis
Unlike most gamers, I am not dedicated to one company or machine. I make the decision with a fresh look every time Sony and Microsoft battle for my buck.
This year Microsoft went first, with an impressive display, there were some major flaws. For one you had to be online all the time. Microsoft has gone mental about pirating which I agree is a problem, but their solution would ensure I could never take my console out of my house for fear of it not working at my final destination. That mixed with the lock down on used and borrowed games. I pretty much was sold on PlayStation if they did not have these restrictions.
Weeks later Sony did their conference, as expected.....
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Friday, May 17, 2013

1913, Worst. Year. Ever.

When republicans fought against slavery and ratified the 13th amendment. People thought Government regulated slavery was abolished. That we have taken that step towards freedom. We were wrong.
Would you consider someone taking the fruits of your labor against your will slavery? No? How about if you refuse to give up the fruits of your labor, and as a result you get punished. Then would it be slavery?
How about this? The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
Does this sound like something a free republic would have in its constitution?
While most liberals call for more and higher taxes, even against all known facts and data proving that it hurts the economy. Republicans are calling for reduction in taxes.
They are all wrong. We need to abolish the 16th amendment. Republicans have abolished slavery amendments before, we can do it again.
No one can argue that taking money from someone by force is, ok. If i rob you at gun point is it ok? What if i am using it to save a life? Is it ok then?
Income Tax Is Theaft
I am sick of the greater good argument. We are conservatives, we give more charitably because we truly do believe in the greater good. I just like knowing where my money is going, and exactly how it is being used. I value the dollars I give and expect the recipient party to not waste those dollars. I want every reasonable penny that can be used for good, being used for good.
For some reason brain dead liberals believe the Government is the only fair place that good-will transactions can occur. Never mind the CONSTANT proof of waste and spending irresponsibility.
They are EXPERTS at turning a blind eye to facts just so they are not proven wrong.
I think it is unjust to tax someones labor directly, I have long been a fan of no income tax and a reasonable sales tax. That means that yes it might need to increase, depends on what the TRUE needs of the government are.
Abolishing the 16th would do more to rein in out of control government than any election could. Why?
We would enter an era of voluntary taxes.
Right now the economy is not doing so well, people are spending less, going out less, doing everything less. What this would do in a post 16th world, is drastically reduce the amount of money the government could take in. Thus forcing the government to grow and shrink complementary to the economy. They could raise sales taxes but that would more effectively reduce sales and those politicians wouldn't last. The market would determine a fair sales tax.
This would mean law passed by the government would actually affect the government  What a concept!
I call a sales tax voluntary because in hard times when you purchase less you are choosing to not participate in the tax. You build wealth back up again, and then start taxing yourself again. It ensures that only people who can afford to be taxed are. It would encourage the government to make pro business legislation that encourages a market of spenders, instead of encouraging a market of vote pump takers.
It would encourage the government to deflate the currency so the citizens buying power would increase.
More importantly than all of these things, is that we would be truly free. Free to earn as much as we want without fear of repercussions from greedy liberal policy on income "equality" (Side- int it ironic that whenever a liberal uses fair or equal it usually means that what they are talking about is the farthest from actual fairness or equality?), or fear of targeted audits from a federal agency. The people once again would have all of the power over the socialist dictatorship we currently are oppressed by.
We the people need to push the narrative to our politicians. Don't lower taxes, abolish them. Abolish the 16th.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Whistle-Blowers Beware

Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Do you have some breaking news about corruption in congress? Do you know something damming to the administration about Benghazi, or Fast and Furious? Was the information so important the people had to know? They had to know, because it meant that their government is taking our liberties, our freedoms, our rights, and wiping their asses with them. Well if you had that intel, and you were sharing it with your most trusted contact.
You should be scared right now.
Depending on what info you had, ......

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Gun Regulations, The Last Distraction

On May 10th PolitickerNJ released a story about three Democratic Senators caught on tape calling for confiscation of arms, and mocking gun owners overall. I started fuming about this because I am sick of the idiots in the Democratic party and the even bigger idiots who blindly follow them.

These people must live in some alternate reality. OR... this is what happens when you back a idiot hell bent on social control into a corner.
The Economy,Benghazi, Gosnell, Unemployment, Green Subsidies, Detroit, Unemployment, Unions, the IRS literally targeting patriotic groups, Fast and Furious....etc.
All of these things are epic failures directly tied to the ideals and ideas of left wing socialists. That's right, they are not democrats they are all socialists.  In fact, any person who is not directly opposed to a welfare program that is not a 1 for 1 match of the contributors funds (Meaning they take my money to shore it up) is a socialist.
All of these things are way beyond any scandal that has ever made history. The mainstream media HAS to be working overtime to put lids on all of these. Luckily their credibility is plummeting faster than Obama's approval rating.
Anyway.... back to guns. Confiscate, confiscate, confiscate. They just have to get the guns out of everyone hands. Otherwise we will become the wild west. Right? WRONG.
As usual Democrats are on the wrong side of an argument, on the wrong side of history, and on the wrong side of the facts. The irony is when they call us righties. We have been almost always right. About most things.
The most powerful argument that can be made to a Liberal Socialist is one word. Why?
You keep asking why until you get down to the Lie.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

People Crave Appreciation More Than They Do Bread

“People crave attention and appreciation more than they do bread.” ~Mother Theresa
I was thinking a lot about this quote last night. Being as politically motivated as I am I immediately started ruminating on how true the quote is, and how it explains peoples actions. After pondering this for several hours, I started noticing similarities with the statement and modern liberals. More specifically the Welfare, Disability, and all around hand out group.
Mother Teresa Of Calcutta
It hit me that this is not only an economic issue, it truly is a moral debate as well. Even as it hit me, I felt weird because conservatives are CONSTANTLY attacked on our ideals because of the supposed moral implications. What i am suggesting is that there is a moral implication and that i don’t believe either side has thought of what it truly might be.
“People crave attention and appreciation more than they do bread.” What does this mean? This is a quote from a woman, who dedicated her life to helping and living among the most disabled and poverty stricken people on the planet. I am not talking poverty by Obama’s standards. (TV’s, XBOX, one automobile) I am talking people who are dying in huts made of garbage because they haven’t eaten in days or months.
This magnificent woman spent her life in the third world.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Redditors To The Rescue

With the trail going cold on the hunt for the Boston Bomber, investigators made a very smart move. Open it up to the internet.  Reddit has a thread where people are posting pictures discussing evidence, and giving opinions on what they think happened. This collective could essentially be the first viral terrorist investigation.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Liberalism, The Diet Pills Of Politics

Anyone who is connected to electronics in any way has probably seen some form of miracle weight loss solution in pill form, or powder, or something.  You know the, ‘do this once a day for 30 seconds and lose 400 pounds gimmick.’

These things exist because people are still buying it, plain and simple. There are people who are dumb enough to think they can have a models body without any work or change to their diet at all. They truly believe this magic pill or powder will solve all of their problems.

Anyone with a single microbe of common sense knows this could be further from the truth.
It makes me think of one of my favorite sayings, “The right thing to do, and the easy thing to do are almost never the same.”

I truly believe to some extent liberals, and far right conservatives want the same things.  Just like gym junkies and couch potatoes want the same things. They want to look good and be healthy. The difference is the mentality and approach they take to getting what they want.

I am a conservative; I would even say a libertarian leaning conservative. I want green energy, I want the homeless to have homes and food, I want kids to be educated and give back to the society they grew up in. The difference between someone like me and a “liberal” is that I know it takes more than just stealing money to get there. We cannot take a pill and have it, or even worse we cannot force someone to take the pill to get there. Then we are no longer free.

We WILL have solar panels that have a decent return on investment(ROI), when that happens people WILL buy them. A solar panel with a good ROI is a capitalist’s wet dream. It is a sheet of material that converts sunlight into money! Are you kidding me?!?!? Goldmine!!

I like to say, we will be a green nation when the technology is

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

200% of GDP?!?! Are You Freaking Kidding Me!

I should not be surprised, yet I still am. A new report from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation has shown that by the year 2040, Federal Debt is projected to reach 200% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

In layman’s terms, GDP is basically every cent that has been circulated through the economy. Not just profits…ALL OF IT. That means on our current path, by 2040 you could take every penny from the economy and it would only cover half of the debt.

You might find that sacrificing you free birth control for a cheaper… EVERYTHING ELSE is a better investment.

When Obama raised taxes on the rich (you know when everyone had to pay more). People were very upset. It was headline news for days. People were out protesting. But when a report is released stating that in 27 years our debt owed will be double ALL of the money we have. Not a peep.
obama’s (’s lower case) tax increases have done nothing. Every penny in additional earnings has pretty much been gobbled up by the sandy relief bill. As I stated in my post ‘Play Sim City Before Writing A Budget’ Increasing taxes not only hurts people now, it destroys the revenue pipeline in the future.
This disgrace of a president is being lauded for attacking the only people who still do pay taxes, and then celebrated for spending even more money than he is taxing for. The media has the gall to say his actions are improving the economy.
People then become shocked....

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Monday, January 28, 2013

A Sheriff We Can Be Proud Of

To me, a good government official is one who knows his or her role.
One that knows that their sole purpose, and job is to serve the taxpayer, and be a good steward of the taxpayers dollar. I had a great moment the other day. It was a moment that I have not had in a very long time. I felt very proud of a government representative from my hometown the Milwaukee county area.

His name is Davide Clarke Jr., he is the 64th Sheriff of Milwaukee County.

For those of you who do not know, one of the big changes Scott Walker and Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen brought to my great state was the access to concealed carry. As expected, gang activity started to reduce in some of the more shady areas of the city. ( I do not have a link to prove this claim, it is coming straight from one of my friends who is a cop on the north side of Milwaukee.) Shortly after CC was passed a gang member tried to hold up a man and his daughter as they were walking back from the store. It did not end well for the gang member because he ended up getting shot by the CC pedestrian or would be victim.
Ever since then, gang activity has been on a decline.
I digress.

David Clarke came out with one of the best, most blunt and straight forward, no bullshit PSA’s I have heard. Have a listen.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Inflation The Silent Tax

The funny thing with all of our countries problems, is that they can all be easily solved relatively quickly. We are just addicted to the cocaine.

A true conservatives knows how to do this. Conservatives know how to do this because EVERYTHING we are seeing now has happened before. I love when a liberal gins up some form of the saying, ‘learn form history or be doomed to repeat it’ and then runs screaming for the government to collect our guns, tax our rich, and give it all to the poor to make everything equal and better.

Guess what you self righteous ball of perpetual irony, all of the liberal ideas have been tried before and have failed before. The Roman government is the best example of this. Like America, during that era, Rome was the shining city of prosperity. The problem with them (and US) is that you cannot get around the law of economics.

As one of my favorite Books references. The law of economics is like a fact of life. It’s something that you have to live with because you cannot change it. Since nothing that has value is free. Someone must pay for it, weather it is with accepted currency, or labor and time.
The Romans much like our government wants things. Hell, we all want things. I want a Dodge Viper, a solid gold toilet, and a nice set of golf clubs. I do not have these things because I have not created enough wealth to allow myself to get those things… yet. The government wants tools, land, roads, bridges, weapons, soldiers, food and shelter for welfare programs. Since nothing of value is free, the government has to pay for it.

So lets get into what most liberals do not know. Where the government get’s the money it needs to pay for all the stuff it wants?

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Conservatives With Stockholm Syndrome

I have not written a post recently because I have just been in awe of the people of the United States, and the politicians they support. I have been busy watching videos of 2008 Obama, and 2013 Obama. I have been watching Liberals, who vilified ” the bush tax cuts” pass a bill that makes them permanent because they were “imperative to health of the economy and the middle class.”
I have been busy trying to wrap my head around our sad reality. Democrats will win because of the ignorance of their supporters. I have watched some close frienemies sell out to continue to support the D.

I have learned a very disturbing thing. Conservatives and Republicans are divided because we ACTUALLY believe in something. We are unwavering in our beliefs. We hold our candidates and elected officials accountable for the things they say and the things they do. ONLY A DEMOCRAT COULD SAY…
“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child.  That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic!”
To get elected in 2008, then go on to add $9 Trillion in half the time and be applauded for his heroic efforts to save the ECONOMY!

Continued @ DS&